3  Variable interactions and transformations

Read sections 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 of the book before using these notes.

Note that in this course, lecture notes are not sufficient, you must read the book for better understanding. Lecture notes are just implementing the concepts of the book on a dataset, but not explaining the concepts elaborately.

3.1 Variable interactions

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
trainf = pd.read_csv('./Datasets/Car_features_train.csv')
trainp = pd.read_csv('./Datasets/Car_prices_train.csv')
testf = pd.read_csv('./Datasets/Car_features_test.csv')
testp = pd.read_csv('./Datasets/Car_prices_test.csv')
train = pd.merge(trainf,trainp)
test = pd.merge(testf,testp)
carID brand model year transmission mileage fuelType tax mpg engineSize price
0 18473 bmw 6 Series 2020 Semi-Auto 11 Diesel 145 53.3282 3.0 37980
1 15064 bmw 6 Series 2019 Semi-Auto 10813 Diesel 145 53.0430 3.0 33980
2 18268 bmw 6 Series 2020 Semi-Auto 6 Diesel 145 53.4379 3.0 36850
3 18480 bmw 6 Series 2017 Semi-Auto 18895 Diesel 145 51.5140 3.0 25998
4 18492 bmw 6 Series 2015 Automatic 62953 Diesel 160 51.4903 3.0 18990

Until now, we have assumed that the association between a predictor \(X_j\) and response \(Y\) does not depend on the value of other predictors. For example, the multiple linear regression model that we developed in Chapter 2 assumes that the average increase in price associated with a unit increase in engineSize is always $12,180, regardless of the value of other predictors. However, this assumption may be incorrect.

3.1.1 Variable interaction between continuous predictors

We can relax this assumption by considering another predictor, called an interaction term. Let us assume that the average increase in price associated with a one-unit increase in engineSize depends on the model year of the car. In other words, there is an interaction between engineSize and year. This interaction can be included as a predictor, which is the product of engineSize and year. Note that there are several possible interactions that we can consider. Here the interaction between engineSize and year is just an example.

#Considering interaction between engineSize and year
ols_object = smf.ols(formula = 'price~year*engineSize+mileage+mpg', data = train)
model = ols_object.fit()
OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: price R-squared: 0.682
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.681
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 2121.
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2023 Prob (F-statistic): 0.00
Time: 15:28:11 Log-Likelihood: -52338.
No. Observations: 4960 AIC: 1.047e+05
Df Residuals: 4954 BIC: 1.047e+05
Df Model: 5
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
Intercept 5.606e+05 2.74e+05 2.048 0.041 2.4e+04 1.1e+06
year -275.3833 135.695 -2.029 0.042 -541.405 -9.361
engineSize -1.796e+06 9.97e+04 -18.019 0.000 -1.99e+06 -1.6e+06
year:engineSize 896.7687 49.431 18.142 0.000 799.861 993.676
mileage -0.1525 0.008 -17.954 0.000 -0.169 -0.136
mpg -84.3417 9.048 -9.322 0.000 -102.079 -66.604
Omnibus: 2330.413 Durbin-Watson: 0.524
Prob(Omnibus): 0.000 Jarque-Bera (JB): 29977.437
Skew: 1.908 Prob(JB): 0.00
Kurtosis: 14.423 Cond. No. 7.66e+07

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.
[2] The condition number is large, 7.66e+07. This might indicate that there are
strong multicollinearity or other numerical problems.

Note that the R-squared has increased as compared to the model in Chapter 2 since we added a predictor.

The model equation is:

\[\begin{equation} price = \beta_0 + \beta_1*year + \beta_2*engineSize + \beta_3*(year * engineSize) + \beta4*mileage + \beta_5*mpg, \end{equation}\]or

\[\begin{equation} price = \beta_0 + \beta_1*year + (\beta_2+\beta_3*year)*engineSize + \beta4*mileage + \beta_5*mpg, \end{equation}\]or

\[\begin{equation} price = \beta_0 + \beta_1*year + \tilde \beta*engineSize + \beta4*mileage + \beta_5*mpg, \end{equation}\]

Since \(\tilde \beta\) is a function of year, the association between engineSize and price is no longer a constant. A change in the value of year will change the association between price and engineSize.

Substituting the values of the coefficients:

price = 5.606e5 - 275.3833year + (-1.796e6+896.7687year)engineSize -0.1525mileage -84.3417mpg

Thus, for cars launched in the year 2010, the average increase in price for one liter increase in engine size is -1.796e6 + 896.7687 * 2010 \(\approx\) \$6,500, assuming all the other predictors are constant. However, for cars launched in the year 2020, the average increase in price for one liter increase in engine size is -1.796e6 + 896.7687*2020 \(\approx\) \$15,500 , assuming all the other predictors are constant.

Similarly, the equation can be re-arranged as:

price = 5.606e5 +(-275.3833+896.7687engineSize)year -1.796e6engineSize -0.1525mileage -84.3417*mpg

Thus, for cars with an engine size of 2 litres, the average increase in price for a one year newer model is -275.3833+896.7687 * 2 \(\approx\) \$1500, assuming all the other predictors are constant. However, for cars with an engine size of 3 litres, the average increase in price for a one year newer model is -275.3833+896.7687 * 3 \(\approx\) \$2400, assuming all the other predictors are constant.

#Computing the RMSE of the model with the interaction term
pred_price = model.predict(testf)
np.sqrt(((testp.price - pred_price)**2).mean())

Note that the RMSE is lower than that of the model in Chapter 2. This is because the interaction term between engineSize and year is significant and relaxes the assumption of constant association between price and engine size, and between price and year. This added flexibility makes the model better fit the data. Caution: Too much flexibility may lead to overfitting!

Note that interaction terms corresponding to other variable pairs, and higher order interaction terms (such as those containing 3 or 4 variables) may also be significant and improve the model fit & thereby the prediction accuracy of the model.

3.1.2 Including qualitative predictors in the model

Let us develop a model for predicting price based on engineSize and the qualitative predictor transmission.

#checking the distribution of values of transmission
Manual       1948
Automatic    1660
Semi-Auto    1351
Other           1
Name: transmission, dtype: int64

Note that the Other category of the variable transmission contains only a single observation, which is likely to be insufficient to train the model. We’ll remove that observation from the training data. Another option may be to combine the observation in the Other category with the nearest category, and keep it in the data.

train_updated = train[train.transmission!='Other']
ols_object = smf.ols(formula = 'price ~ engineSize + transmission', data = train_updated)
model = ols_object.fit()
OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: price R-squared: 0.459
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.458
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 1400.
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2023 Prob (F-statistic): 0.00
Time: 15:28:21 Log-Likelihood: -53644.
No. Observations: 4959 AIC: 1.073e+05
Df Residuals: 4955 BIC: 1.073e+05
Df Model: 3
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
Intercept 3042.6765 661.190 4.602 0.000 1746.451 4338.902
transmission[T.Manual] -6770.6165 442.116 -15.314 0.000 -7637.360 -5903.873
transmission[T.Semi-Auto] 4994.3112 442.989 11.274 0.000 4125.857 5862.765
engineSize 1.023e+04 247.485 41.323 0.000 9741.581 1.07e+04
Omnibus: 1575.518 Durbin-Watson: 0.579
Prob(Omnibus): 0.000 Jarque-Bera (JB): 11006.609
Skew: 1.334 Prob(JB): 0.00
Kurtosis: 9.793 Cond. No. 11.4

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.

Note that there is no coefficient for the Automatic level of the variable Transmission. If a car doesn’t have Manual or Semi-Automatic transmission, then it has an Automatic transmission. Thus, the coefficient of Automatic will be redundant, and the dummy variable corresponding to Automatic transmission is dropped from the model.

The level of the categorical variable that is dropped from the model is called the baseline level. Here Automatic transmission is the baseline level. The coefficients of other levels of transmission should be interpreted with respect to the baseline level.

Q: Interpret the intercept term

Ans: For the hypothetical scenario of a car with zero engine size and Automatic transmission, the estimated mean car price is \(\approx\) \$3042.

Q: Interpret the coefficient of transmission[T.Manual]

Ans: The estimated mean price of a car with manual transmission is \(\approx\) \$6770 less than that of a car with Automatic transmission.

Let us visualize the developed model.

#Visualizing the developed model
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (9,6)
sns.set(font_scale = 1.3)
x = np.linspace(train_updated.engineSize.min(),train_updated.engineSize.max(),100)
ax = sns.lineplot(x = x, y = model.params['engineSize']*x+model.params['Intercept'], color = 'red')
sns.lineplot(x = x, y = model.params['engineSize']*x+model.params['Intercept']+model.params['transmission[T.Semi-Auto]'], color = 'blue')
sns.lineplot(x = x, y = model.params['engineSize']*x+model.params['Intercept']+model.params['transmission[T.Manual]'], color = 'green')
plt.legend(labels=["Automatic","Semi-Automatic", "Manual"])
plt.xlabel('Engine size (in litre)')
plt.ylabel('Predicted car price')

Based on the developed model, for a given engine size, the car with a semi-automatic transmission is estimated to be the most expensive on average, while the car with a manual transmission is estimated to be the least expensive on average.

Changing the baseline level: By default, the baseline level is chosen as the one that comes first if the levels are arranged in alphabetical order. However, you can change the baseline level by specifying one explicitly.

Internally, statsmodels uses the patsy package to convert formulas and data to the matrices that are used in model fitting. You may refer to this section in the patsy documentation to specify a particular level of the categorical variable as the baseline.

For example, suppose we wish to change the baseline level to Manual transmission. We can specify this in the formula as follows:

ols_object = smf.ols(formula = 'price~engineSize+C(transmission, Treatment("Manual"))', data = train_updated)
model = ols_object.fit()
OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: price R-squared: 0.459
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.458
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 1400.
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2023 Prob (F-statistic): 0.00
Time: 15:28:39 Log-Likelihood: -53644.
No. Observations: 4959 AIC: 1.073e+05
Df Residuals: 4955 BIC: 1.073e+05
Df Model: 3
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
Intercept -3727.9400 492.917 -7.563 0.000 -4694.275 -2761.605
C(transmission, Treatment("Manual"))[T.Automatic] 6770.6165 442.116 15.314 0.000 5903.873 7637.360
C(transmission, Treatment("Manual"))[T.Semi-Auto] 1.176e+04 473.110 24.867 0.000 1.08e+04 1.27e+04
engineSize 1.023e+04 247.485 41.323 0.000 9741.581 1.07e+04
Omnibus: 1575.518 Durbin-Watson: 0.579
Prob(Omnibus): 0.000 Jarque-Bera (JB): 11006.609
Skew: 1.334 Prob(JB): 0.00
Kurtosis: 9.793 Cond. No. 8.62

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.

3.1.3 Including qualitative predictors and their interaction with continuous predictors in the model

Note that the qualitative predictor leads to fitting 3 parallel lines to the data, as there are 3 categories.

However, note that we have made the constant association assumption. The fact that the lines are parallel means that the average increase in car price for one litre increase in engine size does not depend on the type of transmission. This represents a potentially serious limitation of the model, since in fact a change in engine size may have a very different association on the price of an automatic car versus a semi-automatic or manual car.

This limitation can be addressed by adding an interaction variable, which is the product of engineSize and the dummy variables for semi-automatic and manual transmissions.

#Using the ols function to create an ols object. 'ols' stands for 'Ordinary least squares'
ols_object = smf.ols(formula = 'price~engineSize*transmission', data = train_updated)
model = ols_object.fit()
OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: price R-squared: 0.479
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.478
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 909.9
Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2023 Prob (F-statistic): 0.00
Time: 22:55:55 Log-Likelihood: -53550.
No. Observations: 4959 AIC: 1.071e+05
Df Residuals: 4953 BIC: 1.072e+05
Df Model: 5
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
Intercept 3754.7238 895.221 4.194 0.000 1999.695 5509.753
transmission[T.Manual] 1768.5856 1294.071 1.367 0.172 -768.366 4305.538
transmission[T.Semi-Auto] -5282.7164 1416.472 -3.729 0.000 -8059.628 -2505.805
engineSize 9928.6082 354.511 28.006 0.000 9233.610 1.06e+04
engineSize:transmission[T.Manual] -5285.9059 646.175 -8.180 0.000 -6552.695 -4019.117
engineSize:transmission[T.Semi-Auto] 4162.2428 552.597 7.532 0.000 3078.908 5245.578
Omnibus: 1379.846 Durbin-Watson: 0.622
Prob(Omnibus): 0.000 Jarque-Bera (JB): 9799.471
Skew: 1.139 Prob(JB): 0.00
Kurtosis: 9.499 Cond. No. 30.8

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.

The model equation for the model with interactions is:

Automatic transmission: price = 3754.7238 + 9928.6082 * engineSize,

Semi-Automatic transmission: price = 3754.7238 + 9928.6082 * engineSize + (-5282.7164+4162.2428*engineSize),

Manual transmission: price = 3754.7238 + 9928.6082 * engineSize +(1768.5856-5285.9059 * engineSize),


Automatic transmission: price = 3754.7238 + 9928.6082 * engineSize,

Semi-Automatic transmission: price = -1527 + 7046 * engineSize,

Manual transmission: price = 5523 + 4642 * engineSize

Q: Interpret the coefficient of manual tranmission, i.e., the coefficient of transmission[T.Manual].

A: For a hypothetical scenario of zero engine size, the estimated mean price of a car with Manual transmission is \(\approx\) \$1768 more than the estimated mean price of a car with Automatic transmission.

Q: Interpret the coefficient of the interaction between engine size and manual transmission, i.e., the coefficient of engineSize:transmission[T.Manual].

A: For a unit (or a litre) increase in engineSize , the increase in estimated mean price of a car with Manual transmission is \(\approx\) \$5285 less than the increase in estimated mean price of a car with Automatic transmission.

#Visualizing the developed model with interaction terms
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (9,6)
sns.set(font_scale = 1.3)
x = np.linspace(train_updated.engineSize.min(),train_updated.engineSize.max(),100)
ax = sns.lineplot(x = x, y = model.params['engineSize']*x+model.params['Intercept'], label='Automatic', color = 'red')
plt.plot(x, (model.params['engineSize']+model.params['engineSize:transmission[T.Semi-Auto]'])*x+model.params['Intercept']+model.params['transmission[T.Semi-Auto]'], '-b', label='Semi-Automatic')
plt.plot(x, (model.params['engineSize']+model.params['engineSize:transmission[T.Manual]'])*x+model.params['Intercept']+model.params['transmission[T.Manual]'], '-g', label='Manual')
plt.legend(loc='upper left')
plt.xlabel('Engine size (in litre)')
plt.ylabel('Predicted car price')

Note the interaction term adds flexibility to the model.

The slope of the regression line for semi-automatic cars is the largest. This suggests that increase in engine size is associated with a higher increase in car price for semi-automatic cars, as compared to other cars.

3.2 Variable transformations

So far we have considered only a linear relationship between the predictors and the response. However, the relationship may be non-linear.

Consider the regression plot of price on mileage.

ax = sns.regplot(x = train_updated.mileage, y =train_updated.price,color = 'orange', line_kws = {'color':'blue'})
plt.ylabel('Predicted car price')

#R-squared of the model with just mileage
model = smf.ols('price~mileage', data = train_updated).fit()

From the first scatterplot, we see that the relationship between price and mileage doesn’t seem to be linear, as the points do not lie on a straight line. Also, we see the regression line (or the curve), which is the best fit line doesn’t seem to fit the points well. However, price on average seems to decrease with mileage, albeit in a non-linear manner.

3.2.1 Quadratic transformation

So, we guess that if we model price as a quadratic function of mileage, the model may better fit the points (or the curve may better fit the points). Let us transform the predictor mileage to include \(mileage^2\) (i.e., perform a quadratic transformation on the predictor).

#Including mileage squared as a predictor and developing the model
ols_object = smf.ols(formula = 'price~mileage+I(mileage**2)', data = train_updated)
model = ols_object.fit()
OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: price R-squared: 0.271
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.271
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 920.6
Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2023 Prob (F-statistic): 0.00
Time: 23:26:05 Log-Likelihood: -54382.
No. Observations: 4959 AIC: 1.088e+05
Df Residuals: 4956 BIC: 1.088e+05
Df Model: 2
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
Intercept 3.44e+04 332.710 103.382 0.000 3.37e+04 3.5e+04
mileage -0.5662 0.017 -33.940 0.000 -0.599 -0.534
I(mileage ** 2) 2.629e-06 1.56e-07 16.813 0.000 2.32e-06 2.94e-06
Omnibus: 2362.973 Durbin-Watson: 0.325
Prob(Omnibus): 0.000 Jarque-Bera (JB): 22427.952
Skew: 2.052 Prob(JB): 0.00
Kurtosis: 12.576 Cond. No. 4.81e+09

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.
[2] The condition number is large, 4.81e+09. This might indicate that there are
strong multicollinearity or other numerical problems.

Note that in the formula specified within the ols() function, the I() operator isolates or insulates the contents within I(…) from the regular formula operators. Without the I() operator, mileage**2 will be treated as the interaction of mileage with itself, which is mileage. Thus, to add the square of mileage as a separate predictor, we need to use the I() operator.

Let us visualize the model fit with the quadratic transformation of the predictor - mileage.

#Visualizing the regression line with the model consisting of the quadratic transformation of the predictor - mileage
pred_price = model.predict(train_updated)
ax = sns.scatterplot(x = 'mileage', y = 'price', data = train_updated, color = 'orange')
sns.lineplot(x = train_updated.mileage, y = pred_price, color = 'blue')
plt.ylabel('Predicted car price')

The above model seems to better fit the data (as compared to the model without transformation) at least upto mileage around 125,000. The \(R^2\) of the model with the quadratic transformation of mileage is also higher than that of the model without transformation indicating a better fit.

3.2.2 Cubic transformation

Let us see if a cubic transformation of mileage can further improve the model fit.

#Including mileage squared and mileage cube as predictors and developing the model
ols_object = smf.ols(formula = 'price~mileage+I(mileage**2)+I(mileage**3)', data = train_updated)
model = ols_object.fit()
OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: price R-squared: 0.283
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.283
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 652.3
Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2023 Prob (F-statistic): 0.00
Time: 23:33:27 Log-Likelihood: -54340.
No. Observations: 4959 AIC: 1.087e+05
Df Residuals: 4955 BIC: 1.087e+05
Df Model: 3
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
Intercept 3.598e+04 371.926 96.727 0.000 3.52e+04 3.67e+04
mileage -0.7742 0.028 -27.634 0.000 -0.829 -0.719
I(mileage ** 2) 6.875e-06 4.87e-07 14.119 0.000 5.92e-06 7.83e-06
I(mileage ** 3) -1.823e-11 1.98e-12 -9.199 0.000 -2.21e-11 -1.43e-11
Omnibus: 2380.788 Durbin-Watson: 0.321
Prob(Omnibus): 0.000 Jarque-Bera (JB): 23039.307
Skew: 2.065 Prob(JB): 0.00
Kurtosis: 12.719 Cond. No. 7.73e+14

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.
[2] The condition number is large, 7.73e+14. This might indicate that there are
strong multicollinearity or other numerical problems.
#Visualizing the model with the cubic transformation of mileage
pred_price = model.predict(train_updated)
ax = sns.scatterplot(x = 'mileage', y = 'price', data = train_updated, color = 'orange')
sns.lineplot(x = train_updated.mileage, y = pred_price, color = 'blue')
plt.ylabel('Predicted car price')

Note that the model fit with the cubic transformation of mileage seems slightly better as compared to the models with the quadratic transformation, and no transformation of mileage, for mileage up to 180k. However, the model should not be used to predict car prices of cars with a mileage higher than 180k.

Let’s update the model created earlier (in the beginning of this chapter) to include the transformed predictor.

#Model with an interaction term and a variable transformation term
ols_object = smf.ols(formula = 'price~year*engineSize+mileage+mpg+I(mileage**2)', data = train_updated)
model = ols_object.fit()
OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: price R-squared: 0.702
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.702
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 1947.
Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2023 Prob (F-statistic): 0.00
Time: 23:42:13 Log-Likelihood: -52162.
No. Observations: 4959 AIC: 1.043e+05
Df Residuals: 4952 BIC: 1.044e+05
Df Model: 6
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
Intercept 1.53e+06 2.7e+05 5.671 0.000 1e+06 2.06e+06
year -755.7419 133.791 -5.649 0.000 -1018.031 -493.453
engineSize -2.022e+06 9.72e+04 -20.803 0.000 -2.21e+06 -1.83e+06
year:engineSize 1008.6993 48.196 20.929 0.000 914.215 1103.184
mileage -0.3548 0.014 -25.973 0.000 -0.382 -0.328
mpg -54.7450 8.896 -6.154 0.000 -72.185 -37.305
I(mileage ** 2) 1.926e-06 1.04e-07 18.536 0.000 1.72e-06 2.13e-06
Omnibus: 2355.448 Durbin-Watson: 0.562
Prob(Omnibus): 0.000 Jarque-Bera (JB): 38317.404
Skew: 1.857 Prob(JB): 0.00
Kurtosis: 16.101 Cond. No. 6.40e+12

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.
[2] The condition number is large, 6.4e+12. This might indicate that there are
strong multicollinearity or other numerical problems.

Note that the R-squared has increased as compared to the model with just the interaction term.

#Computing RMSE on test data
pred_price = model.predict(testf)
np.sqrt(((testp.price - pred_price)**2).mean())

Note that the prediction accuracy of the model has further increased, as the RMSE has reduced. The transformed predictor is statistically significant and provides additional flexibility to better capture the trend in the data, leading to an increase in prediction accuracy.

3.3 PolynomialFeatures()

The function PolynomialFeatures() from the sklearn library can be used to generate a predictor matrix that includes all interactions and transformations upto a degree d.

X_train = train[['mileage', 'engineSize', 'year', 'mpg']]
y_train = train[['price']]
X_test = test[['mileage', 'engineSize', 'year', 'mpg']]
y_test = test[['price']]

3.3.1 Generating polynomial features

Let us generate polynomial features upto degree 2. This will include all the two-factor interactions, and all squared terms of degree 2.

poly = PolynomialFeatures(2, include_bias = False) # Create the object - degree is 2

# Generate the polynomial features
X_train_poly = poly.fit_transform(X_train) 

Note that the LinearRegression() function adds the intercept by default (check the fit_intercept argument). Thus, we have put include_bias = False while generating the polynomial features, as we don’t need the intercept. The term bias here refers to the intercept (you will learn about bias in detail in STAT303-3). Another option is to include the intercept while generating the polynomial features, and put fit_intercept = False in the LinearRegression() function.

Below are the polynomial features generated by the PolynomialFeatures() functions.

array(['mileage', 'engineSize', 'year', 'mpg', 'mileage^2',
       'mileage engineSize', 'mileage year', 'mileage mpg',
       'engineSize^2', 'engineSize year', 'engineSize mpg', 'year^2',
       'year mpg', 'mpg^2'], dtype=object)

3.3.2 Fitting the model

model = LinearRegression() 
model.fit(X_train_poly, y_train) 
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3.3.3 Testing the model

X_test_poly = poly.fit_transform(X_test)
np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_test, model.predict(X_test_poly)))

Note that the polynomial features have helped reduced the RMSE further.