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Add interactive fill in the blank tasks to your learnr tutorials. You must include at least one single blank line ___ in the question text. A blank is created by typing 3 underscores.


  type = "blank",
  correct = "Correct!",
  incorrect = "Incorrect",
  try_again = incorrect,
  allow_retry = FALSE,
  random_answer_order = FALSE,
  placeholder = "Enter answer here...",
  trim = TRUE,
  rows = NULL,
  cols = NULL,
  options = list()



Question or option text


parameters passed onto learnr answer.


Type of quiz question. Typically this can be automatically determined based on the provided answers. Pass "radio" to indicate that even though multiple correct answers are specified that inputs which include only one correct answer are still correct. Pass "checkbox" to force the use of checkboxes (as opposed to radio buttons) even though only one correct answer was provided.


For question, text to print for a correct answer (defaults to "Correct!"). For answer, a boolean indicating whether this answer is correct.


Text to print for an incorrect answer (defaults to "Incorrect") when allow_retry is FALSE.


Text to print for an incorrect answer when allow_retry is TRUE. Defaults to "Incorrect. Be sure to select every correct answer." for checkbox questions and "Incorrect" for non-checkbox questions.


Allow retry for incorrect answers. Defaults to FALSE.


Display answers in a random order.


Sample text to appear in blank.


Logical to determine if whitespace before and after the answer should be removed. Defaults to TRUE.

rows, cols

Defines the size of the text input area in terms of the number of rows or character columns visible to the user. If either rows or cols are provided, the quiz input will use shiny::textAreaInput() for the text input, otherwise the default input element is a single-line shiny::textInput().


Extra options to be stored in the question object. This is useful when using custom question types. See sortable::question_rank() for an example question implementation that uses the options parameter.


A custom learnr question, with type = blank.


The text utilizes HTML for further display customization, which can be used to insert an image or line break.


  "3 + ___ = 5 <br/>
   ___ - 4 = 4",
  learnr::answer("2", correct = TRUE),
  learnr::answer("8", correct = TRUE),
  allow_retry = TRUE
#> Question: "3 + ___ = 5 <br/>
#> ___ - 4 = 4"
#>   type: "blank"
#>   allow_retry: TRUE
#>   random_answer_order: FALSE
#>   answers:
#>     ✔: "2"
#>     ✔: "8"
#>   messages:
#>     correct: "Correct!"
#>     incorrect: "Incorrect"
#>     try_again: "Incorrect"
#>   Options:
#>     placeholder: "Enter answer here..."
#>     trim: TRUE